November 05, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

50th New York City Halloween Parade--This year’s Official Parade Theme, “Inside Out/ Upside Down” acknowledges the mounting disorientation so many of us feel these days – the realization that the promise of a return “back to normal” has only revealed that whatever notion normal we clung to may be gone forever, irrevocably altered in ways both subtle and substantial. We are left floating, inverted, turned about, flipped around like shards of a mirror exploding in slow motion.

That is why, in this 50th year of the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade (and our 25th year of creating performances to lead it), we decided to literally reflect on this singular moment, and make mirrors our leitmotif. Mirrors promise to show things as they are, but the world they reveal is a backwards universe, everything intimately familiar yet uncannily changed – a promise of normal that somehow has turned out not-quite-right. --Alex Kahn and Sophia Michahelles of Processional Arts Workshop

note the self portrait in this photograph illustrating this years theme.  Canon 5Dmarkiii,Canon 16-35mm lens@32mm, ISO 800, 1/20sec@f9



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